II International Symposium of Oncological Urology – 2016

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The event was dedicated to the current foremost challenge in modern medicine – “Effective multimodal management of advanced forms of prostate cancer”.

The leaders in the field of urology and oncology from Europe and USA came together to debate the methods of multimodal approach in case of prostate cancer.

Symposium lasted for 3 days and mainly involved presentations and debates.

As the Principal Investigator of the symposium, professor and head of the urology department at “MMT hospital” Guram Karazanashvili mentioned, symposium played an immense role in upgrading the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, as the modern tendencies and approaches towards defeating the widespread prostatic cancer effectively were highlighted throughout the event.


Sponsor – Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation

Supporter – Association of American Urologists

Organizer – “MMT Hospital”

11:00:00 - 12:00:00
Opening and welcoming
12:00:00 - 12:30:00
Steven Joniau  
Current international recommendations on PSA prostate cancer screening, results of PSA prostate cancer screening restriction
12:31:00 - 12:50:00
Ass. Prof. MD, PhD, Consultant Urologist Dept of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Rema Gvamichava  
PSA prostate cancer screening in Georgia.
12:55:00 - 13:15:00
Prof.Tbilisi State Medical University, Department of Oncology
Ahlgren Goran  
Prostate cancer screening beyond PSA (STHLM3 and or MRI)
13:20:00 - 13:40:00
Associate Professor of Urology and Senior Consultant in Urology at Skane University Hospital, Sweden
13:40:00 - 14:40:00
Steven Joniau  
Radical prostatectomy for high-risk prostate cancer.
14:40:00 - 15:00:00
Ass. Prof. MD, PhD, Consultant Urologist Dept of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Gert De Meerleer  
Radiation therapy for high-risk prostate cancer.
15:05:00 - 15:25:00
Professor, University Ghent Responsible physician for IMRT and IMAT for pelvic tumours (Belgium)
Anna Shapiro  
Radiation therapy in prostate cancer: defining the benefit of Hypofractionation.
15:30:00 - 15:50:00
MD, Department of Radiation Oncology Jamesville (USA)
15:50:00 - 16:05:00
Ahlgren Goran  
Adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced Prostate cancer
16:05:00 - 16:25:00
Associate Professor of Urology and Senior Consultant in Urology at Skane University Hospital, Sweden
Oleg Shapiro  
The role of adjuvant Radiation Therapy.
16:30:00 - 16:50:00
MD, Vice-Chairman for Clinical Operations Department of Urology (USA)
Anna Shapiro  Oleg Shapiro  Igor Frank  Karazanashvili Guram  Ahlgren Goran  
Case presentations and panel discussion.
16:55:00 - 17:15:00
MD, Department of Radiation Oncology Jamesville (USA)
MD, Vice-Chairman for Clinical Operations Department of Urology (USA)
M.D. Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic
President, Georgian Association of Oncological Urology, MD, Professor, Georgia
Associate Professor of Urology and Senior Consultant in Urology at Skane University Hospital, Sweden
Igor Frank  
The Role of local treatment in the Management of Patients with Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer at presentation.
0:00:00 - 10:20:00
M.D. Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic
Gert De Meerleer  Steven Joniau  
Multimodal management of recurrent oligometastatic (lymph nodes/bone) Prostate cancer following the local treatments.
10:25:00 - 10:45:00
Professor, University Ghent Responsible physician for IMRT and IMAT for pelvic tumours (Belgium)
Ass. Prof. MD, PhD, Consultant Urologist Dept of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Karazanashvili Guram  
The role of surgery in the management of advanced/oligometastatic prostate cancer.
10:50:00 - 11:10:00
President, Georgian Association of Oncological Urology, MD, Professor, Georgia
Anna Shapiro  Oleg Shapiro  Igor Frank  Ahlgren Goran  
Case presentations and panel discussion.
11:15:00 - 11:40:00
MD, Department of Radiation Oncology Jamesville (USA)
MD, Vice-Chairman for Clinical Operations Department of Urology (USA)
M.D. Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic
Associate Professor of Urology and Senior Consultant in Urology at Skane University Hospital, Sweden
11:40:00 - 12:00:00
Ahlgren Goran  
Salvage radical prostatectomy.
12:00:00 - 12:20:00
Associate Professor of Urology and Senior Consultant in Urology at Skane University Hospital, Sweden
Gennady Bratslavsky  
AUA lecture - Salvage versus adjuvant radiation therapy: what is better?
12:25:00 - 12:45:00
MD, Professor and Chair of Urology; Division Chief of Upstate Urology at 550 Harrison; (USA)
Ahlgren Goran  
Cryotherapy after the failure of radiation therapy
12:50:00 - 13:10:00
Associate Professor of Urology and Senior Consultant in Urology at Skane University Hospital, Sweden
13:10:00 - 14:10:00
Anna Shapiro  
Oligometastases in prostate cancer: new radiotherapy options.
14:10:00 - 14:25:00
MD, Department of Radiation Oncology Jamesville (USA)
Darejan Lomidze  
Radiation treatment of advanced Prostate cancer - clinical experience HTMC.
14:30:00 - 14:45:00
Radiologist, Radiotherapist, Head of Radiation Oncology Department
Irakli Zumbadze  Zaal Kvirikashvili  
Radiotherapy of oligometastatic prostate cancer – experience of Research Institute of Clinical Medicine.
14:50:00 - 15:05:00
Clinical Oncologist, Radiologist Scientific-Research Institute of Clinical Medicine, Georgia
Research Institute of Clinical Medicine Head of Urology Department, Georgia
Oleg Shapiro  
Role of extended lymph node dissection in light of advanced prostate cancer.
15:10:00 - 15:30:00
MD, Vice-Chairman for Clinical Operations Department of Urology (USA)
15:30:00 - 15:45:00
Stakhovsky Oleksandr  
Radical prostatectomy for high risk prostate cancer - Ukrainian Cancer Center Experience.
15:45:00 - 16:00:00
Oncourology Department, Ukrainian Cancer Center, Ukraine
Fuad Guliev  
Surgery for high-risk prostate cancer: The results of first 80 cases.
16:05:00 - 16:20:00
Chief, Department of Urology and Deputy Director of National Oncology Center of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan
Varuzhan H.Shahsuvaryan  
Treatment of advanced prostate cancer – experience of Cancer Center after Farandjyan.
16:25:00 - 16:40:00
Head, Department of Oncourology, National Center of Oncology, Armenia
Davit Nikoleishvili  
Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy for locally advanced prostate cancer – experience of national center of Urology.
16:45:00 - 17:00:00
MD, The head of the urological direction, the director of the international educational center of laparoscopy, MediClubGeorgia
Steven Joniau  
Individualized management of Prostate cancer.
10:00:00 - 10:20:00
Ass. Prof. MD, PhD, Consultant Urologist Dept of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Steven Joniau  
Prostate cancer in Elderly patients (>75y) with infravesical obstruction.
10:25:00 - 10:45:00
Ass. Prof. MD, PhD, Consultant Urologist Dept of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Gert De Meerleer  
Management of Radiation therapy comlications.
10:50:00 - 11:10:00
Professor, University Ghent Responsible physician for IMRT and IMAT for pelvic tumours (Belgium)
Valeri Zaitsev  
Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: managing complications.
11:15:00 - 11:25:00
Professor of the Department of Surgery and Urology, Bukovina State Medical University, MD
11:30:00 - 11:45:00
Igor Frank  
Robotic vs. Laparoscopic and open radical prostatectomy in advanced prostate cancer.
11:45:00 - 12:05:00
M.D. Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic
Gert De Meerleer  Anna Shapiro  Oleg Shapiro  Igor Frank  Ahlgren Goran  
Panel Discussion: Which method is the best?!
12:30:00 - 12:50:00
Professor, University Ghent Responsible physician for IMRT and IMAT for pelvic tumours (Belgium)
MD, Department of Radiation Oncology Jamesville (USA)
MD, Vice-Chairman for Clinical Operations Department of Urology (USA)
M.D. Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic
Associate Professor of Urology and Senior Consultant in Urology at Skane University Hospital, Sweden
Symposium Closer
12:50:00 - 13:00:00
Irakli Zumbadze

Irakli Zumbadze

Clinical Oncologist, Radiologist Scientific-Research Institute of Clinical Medicine, Georgia
Davit Nikoleishvili

Davit Nikoleishvili

MD, The head of the urological direction, the director of the international educational center of laparoscopy, MediClubGeorgia
Zaal Kvirikashvili

Zaal Kvirikashvili

Research Institute of Clinical Medicine Head of Urology Department, Georgia
Darejan Lomidze

Darejan Lomidze

Radiologist, Radiotherapist, Head of Radiation Oncology Department
Gennady Bratslavsky

Gennady Bratslavsky

MD, Professor and Chair of Urology; Division Chief of Upstate Urology at 550 Harrison; (USA)
Rema Gvamichava

Rema Gvamichava

Prof.Tbilisi State Medical University, Department of Oncology
Valeri Zaitsev

Valeri Zaitsev

Professor of the Department of Surgery and Urology, Bukovina State Medical University, MD
Gert De Meerleer

Gert De Meerleer

Professor, University Ghent Responsible physician for IMRT and IMAT for pelvic tumours (Belgium)
Anna Shapiro

Anna Shapiro

MD, Department of Radiation Oncology Jamesville (USA)
Oleg Shapiro

Oleg Shapiro

MD, Vice-Chairman for Clinical Operations Department of Urology (USA)
Igor Frank

Igor Frank

M.D. Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic
Steven Joniau

Steven Joniau

Ass. Prof. MD, PhD, Consultant Urologist Dept of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Karazanashvili Guram

Karazanashvili Guram

President, Georgian Association of Oncological Urology, MD, Professor, Georgia
Fuad Guliev

Fuad Guliev

Chief, Department of Urology and Deputy Director of National Oncology Center of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan
Varuzhan H.Shahsuvaryan

Varuzhan H.Shahsuvaryan

Head, Department of Oncourology, National Center of Oncology, Armenia
Stakhovsky Oleksandr

Stakhovsky Oleksandr

Oncourology Department, Ukrainian Cancer Center, Ukraine
Ahlgren Goran

Ahlgren Goran

Associate Professor of Urology and Senior Consultant in Urology at Skane University Hospital, Sweden

Event Details

October 19, 2016 11:00
October 21, 2016 20:00
Hotel Ambassadori

