Proposed sponsorship deals for Second International Congress of Oncological Urology – 2018


II Congress of Georgian Oncologic Urology Association

Date of symposium: 26-27.10.2018

Location: Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia


Sponsorship Packages:

  1. Platinum Sponsorship Package – 10 000 USD in Georgian GEL

Package includes:

  • Sponsor announcement during the congress, video advertising on TV and Social media
  • Large size of sponsor logo placed on printed materials, including the letters of invitations
  • Large size Sponsor banner positioned in central areas of the conference room, in the entrance of the hall or/and Museum Area
  • Large size El- version of the sponsor banner placed on The Association’s webpage and on Congress’s web page’s program


  1. Gold Sponsorship Package: 7500 USD in Georgian GEL

Package includes:

  • Sponsor announcement during the congress, including video advertising on Social media
  • Medium size of sponsor logo placed on printed materials, excluding the letters of invitations
  • Medium size Sponsor banner positioned elsewhere in the conference room, in the entrance of the hall or/and Museum Area
  • Medium size El- version of the sponsor banner placed on The Association’s webpage and Congress’s web page’s program


  1. Silver Sponsorship Package: 5000 USD in Georgian GEL

Package includes:

  • Sponsor announcement during the congress
  • Small size of sponsor logo placed on printed materials, excluding the letters of invitations
  • Small size Sponsor banner positioned elsewhere in the entrance of the hall or/and Museum Area
  • Small size El- version of the sponsor banner placed on the Congress’s web page’s program

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